Mastering Emotional Resonance

Sept 29 - Nov 3

A 6-week program to help you write with greater authenticity, honesty, and vulnerability so you can amplify emotional impact and deepen your connection with readers

Asynchronous Cohort & Community

Weekly Lessons

Weekly video lessons will cover critical aspects of writing including how to uncover and realize your unique, individual voice, refine your technique for deeper expression, and build impactful connections with your readers by crafting narratives that resonate on a meaningful level.You'll also have access to a private community for discussions, support, and accountability with your peers and with Grace.


Weekly Workshop Calls

These weekly 90-minute video discussion calls will dive deeper into lessons, answer your questions, and provide space for real-time feedback from peers and Grace on your writing.These calls are meant to foster a nourishing creative environment in which participants can share their work while also learning from one another.

Unlock the Emotional Power of Words

Express Your VOICE

Transform your writing through the power of emotional resonance and forge impactful, meaningful connections with your readers.
- limited number of spots to ensure individual attention -


This program is for you if you're

  1. Frustrated with your inability to write with an emotional depth that has a lasting impact on readers

  2. Struggling with fear of judgment or rejection and have difficulty writing with genuine vulnerability

  3. Discouraged in not knowing how to realize the consistent expression of your authentic voice in your writing

  4. Scared or unable to share your personal truths through your writing in a way that will resonate with others

  5. Unsure of how to strengthen your writing technique to create sophisticated, layered, and compelling narratives

Caleb L.

Grace has literally changed my life in a lot of ways.

From providing valuable perspectives to allowing me the space to shift my mindset, her guidance has been invaluable. She's one of the main reasons I took the plunge from the 9-5 to going out on my own and building my writing business.

To have someone like her, with her experience and empathy, in your corner is a game-changer. Not to mention her writing inspires me to be a better writer every day.



Discover the power of your own individual voice through the expression of your truths. Learn how to move through fear and internal resistance as well as tap into deeper creative thinking to create honest, genuine narratives that leap off the page.



Whether through structure, rhythm, perspective, symbolism, subtext, or word choice, learn how to strengthen your skills so you can layer your writing and create greater depth and memorable impact.



Build a powerful bridge to those aligned with who you are. Learn how to effectively analyze your work to develop consistently better and more meaningful connections with your readers.

Ready to transform your writing and leave a lasting impact?

Taught By

Grace | Founder Kizuna & Kizuna Studio

The Power of Emotion

While our specific lived experiences all vary from one another, we are united in the universal language of emotion.Our very capacity to feel is what remains the same across gender, sexuality, religions, political parties, classes, ethnicities, countries, cultures.It is the invisible thread that weaves all our disparate voices together into the larger story of humanity.Emotional resonance comes to life through the subjective, personal lens with which we interpret the complexities of the human experience.It is both our differentiator and unifier.Genuine connection is formed through language when we're able to both recognize and reflect upon our own humanity within the stories of others.As a concert pianist, fiction author, and CMO, I have spent a lifetime understanding the power of reaching audiences and readers through my work...and the impact it can have.Learning how to effectively harness emotional resonance in any act of creation is what allows honesty, power, nuance, and individual voice to come to life.Unlike other writing courses that focus on bland templates and boring frameworks, this 6-week program will show you how to:• enrich your prose
• tap into greater creative thinking and
• articulate compelling, layered narratives
so you can write your truths with conviction and reach those who are aligned with it.I can't wait to dive in and help you realize the true individual expression of your voice!

Sarah L.

Grace is a top voice in the writing world, with experience teaching at Harvard and authoring/ghostwriting multiple best-selling novels.Word of advice to everyone:When she puts out a writing course, you don’t walk…you RUN to secure your spot.

Dr. Gabriel B.

Grace is one of the smartest and most authentic people I’ve met. She is connected to herself in a way that is fascinating.Through her courage to be vulnerable, she invites you into a deeper vulnerability and self-discovery. I’m certain that if you commit to what she has to offer, your life will be bigger for it.

Chris F.

As a leadership coach, I strongly feel communication with both spoken word and written are key.In just a few sessions, Grace helped me advance my writing skills exponentially, allowing me to help develop people's soft skills.A 6 week course like this - invaluable.

One-Time Payment:


2-month Installment Plan:

$375/month x 2


Make Your Writing Unforgettable


Kat Z.

Working with Grace has been transformative. She has helped me refine my prose, sharpen my ideas, and discover a newfound clarity in my expression.I'm genuinely grateful for her guidance and expertise, and I highly recommend her to any writer seeking to improve their craft.

Ephraim C.

Grace is one of the best writers I know. Her writing is captivating, thought-provoking, elegant. And not to mention she’s a phenomenal teacher/mentor with a lot of success in the industry.But most important: she actually cares. She cares about you and meets you where you are. She’s passionate in her work. You’re in good hands.

Jorge M.

If you're looking to improve your writing this is your chance!Grace's insights into writing are absolutely transformational. I've experienced it myself through our
Kizuna Studio book project and my writing has been forever changed for the better.
Don't miss out!


  • When are the weekly video call discussions?
    Once you sign up, you'll receive welcome information, including a form to input your preference for day of the week / time of the call. Based on feedback, Grace will select a day & time that work best for these live discussions.

  • What if I can't make the call?
    All discussions will be recorded so that you can watch on your own time. In addition, if you submit your writing / question / request for feedback ahead of the call, we can discuss it live so you can still receive guidance via replay.

  • Will there be weekly assignments?
    Yes. In conjunction with weekly lessons, there will be writing assignments that we will share and discuss on our weekly calls. These are not long assignments; however, you will need to carve out some time for them. Writing requires execution and practice - these written assignments are a critical part of the learning process.

  • Where is the program housed?
    Weekly video lessons (and any additional resources / materials) will be sent via email. The private community for support and accountability will be housed in Discord. Weekly live calls will be held on Zoom.

  • Is this program refundable?
    Given the nature of the lessons and program, this cohort is not refundable. We encourage you to reach out directly to Grace with any questions prior to enrollment.

  • Will I receive 1:1 coaching from Grace?
    Since this is a group cohort, Grace will not be able to provide 1:1 coaching. Instead, the weekly discussion calls as well as the private community are meant to be a place for everyone to receive feedback & support from Grace and their peers in a workshop / classroom setting. In this way, everyone can learn and grow from each other's work and progress. Enrollment will be limited in order to ensure an ideal environment.

  • What if I'm not a "writer" and want to learn how to improve my content and newsletter?
    This program is for anyone who wants to write with honesty and truth so they can better connect with readers. Whether that be long-form essays, newsletters, content, your novel or memoir, this program is designed to help you discover and strengthen your authentic voice, convey genuine vulnerability, and create powerful emotional impact that resonates with readers. This is applicable across all types of writing.

  • Have more questions?
    Reach out directly to Grace via email or DM on X.

Ready for your stories to resonate on a deeper level?

This program is part of Break Down The Box™️, a Kizuna initiative and cross-sector impact vehicle.
Our mission is to challenge internal, societal, and structural narratives and realize paradigm-shifting change through educational projects with individuals and organizations in the public, private, and social sectors.